Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How To Make an Awesome Mixed CD

While doing my DIY projects, I always like to have music playing. I am not the type of person, who can listen to the same artist for an hour, so my iTunes and Pandora are consistently on shuffle. However, it is hard to find what you are in the mood for, and I find myself skipping though songs (instead of focusing on the DIY project at hand). The remedy? A Playlist. I asked a few of my friends, and took to my Facebook page to get some tips and tricks from some of my friends:

"Start with whatever you love, then move outward. Pandora, Spotify, Musicovery, and Hypem.com are great for finding new stuff."- Megan Branch

"The Genius button on iTunes has yet to fail on making great playlists for me."- Alex Fogarty

"Start with a theme of some kind... It's an art! Tie songs together with some kind of thread... Title, lyrics, instrument, etc, and avoid putting the same artist back to back. Play the beginning and end of each song when you are finished to make sure they sound good next to each other." -Camille Hebert (Make sure to check out Camille's blog, The Lavender Spoon)

What are some of your Playlist, mixed tape making tips?

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